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Drs. Emily MacLeod and Maydianne Andrade of the University of Toronto at Scarborough recently published a paper analyzing the mating behavior of western black widow spiders (Lactrodectus hesperus). In a departure from the literature of insect mating strategies males exhibited preferences when selecting a mate. When given a choice, males strongly preferred to mate with well-fed as indicated by pheromones released by the female. In both lab and field studies the preference was significant and consistent
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. The researchers involved in this study surmised that a well-fed female is a sign to a potential mate that she is healthier and will be able to devote more resources to egg production, ultimately a net positive for the male. Another added benefit to the male is that well-fed female spiders are less likely to eat the male after mating has concluded.
The paper, “Strong, convergent male mate choice along two preference axes in field populations of black widow spiders,” was published in the March 2014 volume of the journal Animal Behaviour.