Pest problems rise in the winter

From The Daily Record

As the weather turns colder homeowners may start to notice more insect and rodent in their homes, according to Len Douglen, executive director of the New Jersey Pest Management Association

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Among the insect species that invade structures in the fall are Asian lady beetles, the boxelder bug, stink bugs, elm leaf beetles, and cluster flies.“Many homes, of course, are already infested with bed bugs,” says Douglen, “and many have termite and carpenter ant colonies as well.”

“Rodents are a source of fires when they chew through electrical wires,” says Douglen, “and that is reason enough to take steps to eliminate them.”

People are exposed to Hantavirus when they breath in dust that is contaminated with rodent droppings. There have been 639 cases of Hantavirus in the U.S. since the disease was first identified in 1993 and, of them, 217 were fatalities. It shows up with initial flu-like symptoms in one to six weeks after exposure and there is no specific treatment for the virus. The good news is that is rare in house mice.

“People who are working around accumulations of rodent droppings and urine,” says Douglen, “should wear gloves and avoid contact. A face mask should be worn to avoid inhaling the dust.” Douglen warned “do not vacuum up rodent droppings because it will cause it to become airborne.”

Areas where rodent droppings are being cleaned should be first sprayed with a bleach solution (1 to 1 ½ cups of bleach in one gallon of water). People should wait fifteen minutes. The contaminated materials should be picked up with a wet towel and then double-bagged along with the cleaning materials. Then the area should be mopped or sponged with the bleach solution again.

Salmonellosis is among the most common threats resulting from mouse and rat feces and urine. “The strict enforcement of pest control regulations in restaurants and other food-handling establishments,” says Douglen, “is the direct result of what is commonly called food poisoning.” Pest controllers know that rodents contaminate far more food than they eat.

While not understood well, it is known that allergies can be triggered by the shed hairs of rodents that build up in carpets and in kitchen areas where poorly stored foods such as cereals or spilled pet foods are magnets for mice and rats. This is true as well for the shed exoskeletons of cockroaches, a common problem in urban areas and one that particularly affects asthma sufferers.

Non-lethal flu-like symptoms in adults is often traced to Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis, also the result of house mice urine and feces. It can, however, pass their placenta in pregnant women and cause birth defects in newborn infants. Research suggests 20% to 30% of wild mice are carriers. Leptospirosis that causes flu-like symptoms that can persist for months is also traced to the presence of rodent urine and feces. Not all mice are the same species and deer mice, common in the tri-state area, are major vectors for Lyme disease.

Rats can squeeze through an opening the size of a quarter and mice can do the same through a hole the size of a dime.

“A thorough inspection of one’s home, apartment complex, office, school or any other structure is vital to ensure that all such points of entry are sealed,” says Douglen. “In addition, all food should be kept in tight containers. Spills, especially pet food, should be swept up or vacuumed. Since rodents regard cardboard boxes, newspapers and other similar items as idea nesting material, they too should be kept in sealed bins.”

“Over the counter rodents traps available to the public must now be tamper-proof to protect children and pets,” says Douglen.