Ants- Still ABQ’s number one pest

Ants continue to be Albuquerque’s number one pest. ABC Pest Management Services prides itself in ridding ants in properties where other companies could not.
How and why are the ants getting in to my home you ask? 

Ah… there lies the question.  Most structure infesting ants are tiny.  They can make their way in through stress cracks in the foundation, expansion joints, utility openings, under stucco, between the duct and slab of vents, or right through the front door.  And sometimes, you may have opened a door or window to allow an inseminated female to fly right in and get established underneath that baseboard in the den!

Why are they always in my bathroom and kitchen?

Ants need water.  That explains why they can be found around faucets, toilets, and sinks in houses.  They are foraging for moisture or food.

But, I clean everything up and they are still there!

Ants communicate utilizing a complex set of chemicals called pheromones.  The most common is a trail pheromone which they lay down onto surfaces to guide the workers to sources of food and help them find their way back to the colony.  Sometimes these pheromones will be present even after cleaning.

So, what do we need to do?

New Mexico has many species of ants.  Speak to your technician about suggestions.  If you live in an area that has high ant populations, then you may want to consider treating the outside of your home on a more regular basis.

Call us today at 505-294-6601, or simply schedule a visit on the form below.  Please select your preferred day and let us know what time you would prefer in the details section of the form. We will do our best to accommodate your request. We will email or call you within one business day to verify or help with your appointment. You can also call us directly at 505-294-6601. Our office hours are Monday thru Friday from 8:00 A.M

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